Morgan County Public Library recently issued the following announcement.
It’s that time of year! Time for the Fall Foliage Festival Poetry Contest- sponsored by the Morgan County Public Library. This contest is open to any Morgan County resident. Entries are due at the Main Branch (110 S. Jefferson St., Martinsville) by 5:30 p.m. Friday, October 1st.
2021 FFF Poetry Contest Entry Form
The theme for the Poetry Contest is “A Harvest of Memories.” All entries must follow the theme. Entries are to be typed or neatly printed and must have a poetry contest identification form stapled to the back of the poem. DO NOT put your name on the poem. Each entry must be the work of the person entering the contest. A participant may enter more than one poem. Please be sure to review all contest rules on the entry form.
Awards will be given at a reception Wednesday, October 6th at the Main Library in Martinsville. Winners will be notified in advance.
Original source can be found here.